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Hollydale Insane Asylum - Real Haunt in Downey CA

  • 56 Descanso Street
  • Downey, CA
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This mental hospital was originally a facility for TB and Polio patients. There are many stories surrounding the place, including that it is haunted. One story states there was a mental patient who slashed a priest's throat in the building. Witnesses have claimed there are many unhappy spirits that linger here and that lights have been known to turn on and off by themselves. The building is sometimes used for police training and trespassing is prohibited.
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  • It’s definitely haunted

    So me and my friend dezi and I decided to go to the asylum this week on Monday (11/25/24) . To get in was pretty easy they’re were holes in the gate you can easily squeez into and there were no security until we left. Anyway this place is definitely haunted fs we entered from the second floor and before even entering we heard loud bangs like someone was hitting the door and this was a continuous sound we heard the whole time there . We also heard two different sounds of footsteps one sounded like someone walking with high heels and the other just sounded like footsteps . U can tell this place has demonic stuff bc u can just feel it ,you can feel a heavy presence of some kind also the building is hella cold for no reason and also it smells really bad in there . This had to be like the worst part of being there is we just kept feeling like someone was following us ,when we went to the the first floor we heard a door slam right infront of us and decided to just continue walking until we stopped to listen and we heard dead ass fucken footsteps running towards us (I caught all of this on video fyi) and we literally dipped because of house scared we got . We ended up on the stairs near the bridge and we were just chilling there figuring out if we wanted to leave or not and we just kept hearing the continuous banging noises coming closer and closer and we also heard like running on the first floor on the grass and we thought it was people but when we checked it was nobody what so ever . We decided to leave after hearing the gates moving like someone was trying to come inside when they’re was no one but yes this place is definitely satanic in a way and also very haunted . I recommend going to get a good scared but beware bc they’re is a lot of creepy stuff in there and also expect finding oujia boards in there I have encountered sm !

    Posted 11/30/24

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  • Eerie energy

    I went back in 2020 during the summer time with my boyfriend. We went at night. The first time we came here it was so exciting to explore. It was really dark and huge. While we were exploring it, we were outside walking up this set of stairs that let to an upstairs area. When we got to the top I was about to ask my boyfriend something, but then all of a sudden we both heard this noise. It was the sound of a really old phone ringing. Like I mean you could tell it was an old phone. Not a ringtone that sounded old. Im talking about an old wire phone. It echoed nearby. And we both looked at each other and decided to walk back down the steps and leave. It gave me the chills. There was no electricity throughout the whole property. It amazed me how I was able to experience something paranormal and hear a sound from the past.

    Posted 9/9/24

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  • A lot of activity it has for the short time we were there

    I remember we got on to the courtyard grounds this was (2016). we passed a computer chair that was facing the opposite direction and kept going. My girlfriend and I at the time were looking for a way in. we were on the side of one of the building near the main courtyard i remember seeing a giant light going back and forth flickering sometimes. I was told it was the only building the guards did patrol in was the one with the light. anyways we were trying to get in this building with a long hallway when all of the sudden we hear something slam against the wall. and heavy boots running right next to us. My GF and i fled and on our way out of the exit we passed the computer chair but this time it was facing directly at us like someone spanned it around and sat on it. keep in mind we were just there for maybe at most 30 minutes. I hope they don't take it down. there is a lot of history in the building and there is Evil there.

    Posted 10/10/22

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  • Lots of spiders

    I just went rn it’s cool I’ll just take a shower getting home bc I’m itchy asf rn ?? but don’t go alone it’s kinda spooky if u ask me go with friends and bring flashlights

    Posted 2/20/21

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    5 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • To dangerous to go there

    One year ago before the corona virus I went alone to go pokemon go hunting but sadly I have to follow the city law and I saw coyotes it's kinda dangerous to go there with wild hungry animals I did saw one thing outside that I always dream of if I asked the cops nicely if I can take it home and make it look nice if I can do any good deeds to them or own them money but I think all wait until next winter until corona virus is gone I have day dreams about this sometimes but I think you people should be careful out there because of wild animals or snakes but please don't go to abanned places with out asking there permission it's dangerous and now it's burn down it's more dangerous now because things will fall down on you and please don't kill cats that's animal cruelty and it's a legal to kill instant animals like cats or dogs because some cats could belong to the neighborhood to because the building is next to the houses so please don't kill instant cats it's very mean and cruel and God doesn't want that in your life to ok that's all by

    Posted 1/21/21

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    1 out of 24 found this review helpful

  • More than Just ghost

    My friends and I went there the other night. And let me tell you that it isn’t just full of ghost lurking the halls. And security guards on the outside of the fence. But Im pretty sure there is a phsycho path that goes there to kills cats. We found 9 cats and all look like they had been killed. With most of the cats heads being mutilated head separate from the body’s. There was one room locked and we could smell the rotten flesh from outside so we decided to break through the door and saw a slashed up cat blood everywhere and a curling iron. We are pretty sure someone goes there to kill cats. As you walk in this building there is blood, feces black mold and Debris everywhere. Be careful!!

    Posted 1/11/21

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    11 out of 11 found this review helpful

  • There's hobos and rats...and then the other stuff

    Went with a group of friends back in 2009 or so and we were hiding behind some bushes and I was leading the way. I look up and see a misty looking person on the right side of a gurney pushing it toward the main entrance. My friends were whispering loudly so I quickly turned around to tell them to zip it before we get caught by the hospital workers. But once I do someone peers over their part of the bush and sees nothing. The people have vanished. Then it hits me... it's abandoned. There's no active medical care happening there. So I chalk it up to paranormal. That was the most compelling evidence I saw. Once inside we heard noises and a glass jar fell but it could be easily debunked as a rat or transient. 10/10 would recommend

    Posted 10/16/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Scary asf

    I went with my friends at like 2am and this was the scariest shit every I remember seeing this man running down the hallways while i heard screaming. the out of nowhere he just disappeared. I had the screaming on video but when I left it was no longer on my phone. completely gone. I plan on going again but i’m going to bring voice recorders.

    Posted 9/9/20

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  • Man disappeared out of plain sight

    First two times was cool to explore then i went in through another way and see a person walking then disappeared behind a pole in plain sight then today i got chased my police on foot and in cars while inside the asylum and had to run and hop over fences of the complex and dip through the railroad tracks

    Posted 8/29/20

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • This place is huge

    Me and my friend went here a couple days ago and wow there are several buildings you can explore through. The only bad thing about exploring here is that I had to park at dominos which was the closest plaza, since you cannot park at any of the buildings near this asylum. Don’t even bother looking for close parking because they have guards that patrol there at night, but I did not know so i kept driving around looking for parking until I found a guard watching me the whole time.. It is better to go hear at night so that the guards and security cameras don’t catch you easily. On the good side, there are openings in the gates you can crawl through. The only weird thing was that the fence that guards the asylum buildings was wide open (like it was a trap or someone was letting us in easy). There are a lot of open doors into these buildings so that is a good thing. It was my friend and I’s first time ever exploring through an abandoned building, so this haunted asylum definitely spooked us out the second we walked in! Remember this word of advice: Go at night, wear dark clothing, bring flashlights, be careful of guard cars and security cameras, and also bring a group of at least 3 to be safe, and lastly, have fun!

    Posted 11/26/19

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    15 out of 15 found this review helpful

  • Oh my god

    so scary

    Posted 5/7/17

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  • The trill was so good!!!

    A group of friends and I attended this loacation and boy oh boy there is definitely something here! I got really hot walking into one of the courtyards. I felt a shock run through my body as I touched one of the walls on accident . I could hear a growling, crying laughter it was crazy. I want to go back and see more of the hospital without be chased out by the cops. They got that place surrounded so be careful. Have fun Happy Ghost Haunting ??

    Posted 1/16/17

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  • Scary stuff man

    I went with my boyfriend when i was pregnant and we saw something and got spooked so we left

    Posted 10/16/16

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    6 out of 15 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 36,877
Last edit to this listing: 4/27/2016 (3218 days ago)

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