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Sand Canyon Road - Santa Clarita CA Real Haunt

  • Sand Canyon Road
  • Santa Clarita, CA
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses, Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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The story surrounding this said-to-be haunted road states that some teenagers crashed their car on prom night in the mid-1980's near the intersection of Warm Springs Road and Sand Canyon Road. A teenage female ghost has been spotted here, trying to find help for her injured friends.
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    I went to Sierra Vista &Canyon with Laura - yes started out sweet and nice, very popular b/c of blond good looks, but after 9th she hung out with people that were too cool for us, her looks kind of went downhill. I Also was at the party at the end of Sand Cyn. that night, Lora D. was driving, Strickland was sitting on the middle hump gas tank, they almost hit me in the street (it was the camp ground at the end) Joe played baseball with me, he originally went to Saugus, but I think got kicked out for drinking. Chris Botkins was mad at me cause I didn't visit Joe at Henry Mayo, I heard Joe was going to make it, but he then had a collapsed lung day before he was expected to leave. They both drank too much, as I said in the beginning she fell into the wrong crowd Anyways, we all use to drink at the end of Sand Cyn. Camp grounds now no longer there only the memories. We heard of a crash and drove up about 2 miles the car hit a ditch and flipped no roof she scraped her head on the pavement and was ejected I think Lora D. was driving s@$%t-faced drunk -- like I said they almost hit me at the dirt party, back then Sand Cyn. had ditched on both sides of the road and you could easily flip if you drove too fast . Joe and Laura were popular they were prom king& queen together - famous photo posted all around SCV for years after. I liked Joe, and Laura use to know me before the crouds they finally hung-out with were drinking way too much-- I was in the same circle but never let it ruin me, like I said Joe and I play high school baseball together, and he had to to leave Saugus b/c of drinking/parting. RIP BOTH OF YOU - STUPID WASTE!

    Posted 7/29/23

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  • Joe was my neighbor

    I remember this well Joe lived two doors down from me. His mother and sister got into an accident and mom was killed over by the old Mann 10 theater

    Posted 10/10/21

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  • Laura Strickland RIP

    Laura was a friend of mine and we went to school together, Jr. High and at Canyon. I had moved to England that summer. Laura was drinking, she had just gotten the Fierro as either a grad present or B- day present. Her B-day was 08/03. I was told after the accident that yes, it was 3 girls and Laura flipped her car on Sand Canyon by the Jehova Witness church. She lived on Warm Springs. Very sad. She is buried at Eternal Valley Memorial in Newhall. Lost quite a few friends on Sand Canyon.

    Posted 1/21/21

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  • Rest In Peace Laura Strickland

    A lot of tragic events surround this story. Laura Strickland died on died Tuesday June 4th, 1985. She was driving her Pontiac Fierro drunk and flipped the car at Sand Canyon and Warm Springs Drive. Her two passengers Lora Dulman and Dionne Graves survived. Laura was the only fatality. Close to a year later, her prom date Joe Crawford, also died in a car accident while driving drunk on Soledad Canyon Road. He hit a pole, was thrown from the vehicle and hit by another car. He survived a few days, but died at Henry Mayo hospital. Both their mothers started speaking to students about the dangers of drunk driving to students. A large billboard with there prom picture was put up to warn teenagers of the dangers of drunk driving near Joe’s accident sight. Unbelievably, Joe Crawford’s mother was killed in an automobile accident 9 months after his death. A car broadsided a vehicle she was a passenger in. No alcohol was involved. Just a tragic accident.That happened at Valencia and Cinema Drive.

    Posted 10/21/20

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  • Road trip

    Today I took a trip with the family drivn down sand Canyon rd we made a stop in the beginning of Angeles Forrest near 25701 sand Canyon rd.we pulled over rite pass the algae mabe present sign we all got out the car the kids my wife and I we started walkn on the rite side of the forest as we were walkn we notice the air n everything was getting darker one side of the forest was brighter than the other side n as we kept walkn we heard a man singing really loud drunk/remind u there was no other cars or pple in sight/so we was singing loud n we he heard us he stopped singn quick n said hello as if he seen us but we didn't see anything so we turned around n started walkn back to the car we heard him cussing as if he was mad because we didn't keep going

    Posted 9/20/20

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  • Laura Strickland is gone. Rip

    Laura died driving a Pontiac Fiero drunk with her friend sitting in the middle with no sunroof and the other girl also drunk. I know b/c I was at the party, it was her fault and for the record it was not prom night .

    Posted 8/18/20

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Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (188 days ago)

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