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California Theatre - Real Haunt in San Bernardino CA

  • 562 W. 4th St.
  • San Bernardino, CA
  • (909) 885-5152
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Real Haunted Theaters
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Will Rogers made his last performance at this theater before he died in a plane crash. His ghost is said to haunt the theater's practice room, where it always feel cold and his apparition has been spotted through its small window.
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  • Bathroom,2nd Floor

    Reading people’s reviews about someone following them to the restroom on the second floor, was what I felt when I went to preform for my schools band. I was with my guy bsf, I needed to use the girls restroom so he tagged along, and I was going in I thought he was following me inside cuz nobody else was around. And I turned to laugh, confused; and ask him something like, “why are you following me inside??” And I saw nobody near so I quietly just used the restroom?? and went to ask if he followed me in half way, but he said he didn’t. This happened around Feb 2023.

    Posted 6/27/24

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  • Not scary

    The shows are great but nothing has happened except creaking and scratching but it’s 100 years old come on.

    Posted 2/3/24

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  • The 2nd farthest dressing room and the balcony bathroom

    I’ve worked this theater for a while now backstage. We know extremely well the second floor dressing room (next to the laundry room) has a very sassy spirit there. From hearing voices to having the door open itself on command (or rather asking it not to and it swings open anyway) to just yesterday having the light turn on by itself, that dressing room is ALWAYS a joy to be around. The back restroom on the second floor is also apparently a hang out. I was using the urinal and felt like I was being watched, so I looked over my shoulder, to find the face of some man glaring over the toilet stall at me, immediately ducking down when I glared. I finished and rushed to the stall to insure I was the only person in the theater (it was an off show day) and sure enough no one was in the bathroom but me (keep in mind that door is heavy and loud). Some people here either have a few experiences or no experiences, it seems there is no in between.

    Posted 5/13/23

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  • Never will teturn

    This place is truly scary and you feel things following you there. The second floor is scary. I went to the bathroom and felt someone following me. I was in the bathroom upstairs and I was I. The stall and you hear the stall doors open and the toilets flushing by themselves I was the only female I the building I ran out of the bathroom and then quit.

    Posted 3/27/22

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  • Will never go back

    I used to work here and I was so terrified I will never go back. I was doing telemarketing here selling tickets and I went to the bathroom saw a black shadow behind me and when I went to the restroom all the sinks turned on and all stalls toilets started flushing and doors were opening when I got out I ran out and I quit. You do feel people presence here and always feel like someone is with you especially upstairs

    Posted 2/15/21

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  • Balcolny

    Years ago I volunteered as an usher. When working in the balcony area. the right side facing the stage against the wall. walking there you would feel as if someone was with you. The hair on my arm would stand up every time. I worked there about 5 years.

    Posted 12/18/20

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 2,553
Clicks to Website: 107
Last edit to this listing: 5/6/2016 (3203 days ago)

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